Lorrieism- Cut Off the Supply


Have you ever realized a person’s true identity after you have committed to them? As if being fooled was not enough, you also notice they have the potential to be reckless, and possibly even dangerous. No worries, cut off their supply and you won’t have to leave them, they will leave you.

What is the supply? The supply attracted them to you. So, cut off the supply. It stops the attraction, and they will leave. For example, if the attraction was:

  • A physical attraction, then stop having sex.
  • A financial attraction, then stop giving them money.
  • An attraction to luxuries, then stop buying them gifts.
  • A need for your encouraging word, then stop speaking positively to them.

When you stop supplying their needs, they will leave you. But you will become the bad guy. They try to destroy your character, add financial and mental stress, become rebellious, have tantrums, threaten, and may physically violate, but continue to cut them off and eliminate them from your life.

Ironically, they need you, but somehow twisted your mind into thinking you needed them. And you fell for it, but you don’t have to remain in a fallen state. Get up, wise up, and snatch back your control, powers, and essence of you.

There is no shame, no harm, and no foul. A little embarrassment now is a small price to pay for the peace that will return to your life when they are gone. Cut off the supply, learn the lesson, and carry on with your life.

Lorrie to the Rescue


As a child in foster care, I wanted to be rescued. My first desire was for a family member, a friend’s parent, or someone from the neighborhood to rescue me. My rescue ended up being foster care. It wasn’t the ideal situation, but it assisted.

In my transition to an adult, something strange happened. The never rescued girl decided she would rescue the ones she loved. I wanted to be the person everyone could depend on. Family, friends, neighbors, and sometimes strangers knew Lorrie would come to the rescue.

This became tiring, costly, and dangerous. I’ve risked my life and spent my money to help abused women leave relationships, and they returned to the abuser. Purchased items for others that I wouldn’t buy for myself because they were too expensive. Ruined my credit by signing repayment agreements with people that walked away from the deal.

But I learned, I can’t rescue anyone. I survived with the skills learned from not being rescued. And so must everyone else. I can instruct and provide emotional support, but there are things individuals must do for themselves. Establishing goals, boundaries, and self-control to build their tailor-made tomorrow for themselves. And although I would love to rescue the world, I can’t. But I can share my experiences as we all travel through this thing called life.

So, for those waiting to be rescued, I am sorry that may never happen. But I encourage you to take the lifelines that may not solve your issues but cushion the blow. Because that cushion may be all, you need to stay in the fight of life.


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